The shameless lazy greedy goan gsb fraud housewife cbi employee riddhi nayak,. allegedly promoted by shameless fraud google, tata officials is not satisfied with the monthly cbi salary she is getting for faking a btech 1993 EE degree, domain ownership, paypal account.
Instead the shameless google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud cbi employee riddhi nayak and her associates caro, nayak, mandrekar are extorting more money from the obc single woman engineer whose btech 1993 EE degree the goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi falsely claims to have.
The goan gsb fraud cbi employee riddhi nayak, who looks like kangana ranaut, and her goan gsb fraud mafia have put the obc engineer under surveillance so that they can extort money at every opportunity. When the obc engineer ordered food from a restaurant in panaji, near ICICI bank, in June, she had to only pay Rs 60 and was given more fish.
On July 20, 2016, when she ordered food from the same restaurant, she was asked to pay Rs 70 and was given very little fish, indicating that money was being extorted from the restaurant owner.
It only proves that there is no limit to human greed especially for goan gsb fraud cbi employee riddhi nayak, not only is she getting a cbi salary, with fake resume, for doing no work, without taking any risk, she and her associates are extorting money from every restaurant the obc engineer will order food from,in an indication of the complete lack of morals.
Due to extremely high levels of casteism in goa, the shameless greedy goan gsb fraud mafia promoting the goan conwoman cbi employee riddhi and siddhi, is not even willing to acknowledge the online, offline investment or paypal account of the obc engineer, viciously defaming her to deny her a fair deal and extorting money at every opportunity.