Some cooks use too much oil in the food

One of the reasons why some people do not like to keep a cook at home is because they use too much oil in the food which they cook.
Even if the family member requests the cook to reduce the oil in the food, the cook will not comply.
This is a problem for those who are trying to lose weight, or having health problems and told to avoid using oil.
In some cases, arguing with the cook can lead to disputes, increasing the risk that the offended cook can use the wrong ingredients in the food.
Even some restaurants are using too much oil for cooking, especially for fish
However, customers can limit the orders for restaurant fish, their options are limited when the cook they hire likes using a lot of oil in the food he or she prepares

Keeping a cook is quite tedious

Many people who do not like cooking are keeping a cook
However, keeping a cook is fairly tedious for those who are working and do not trust people easily
The cook rarely comes at the scheduled time, they often come early or later
If a person has to go elsewhere they have wait till the cook comes.
Additionally the cook will require different ingredients for making the food. In some cases the family will trust the cook to get the ingredients, in other cases the family member has to purchase the food ingredients. Each cook has his or her cooking style which the family members may not like

Restaurants are often not offering home delivery

Though some restaurants are advertising home delivery, when customers contact them they are not offering the service due to shortage of staff.
So families especially senior citizens cannot rely on restaurants for food and have to make alternate arrangements
This highlights the demand for ready to eat food , food which can be easily cooked without much effort
Most of the local retailers are not stocking ready to eat food, it is often only available online.
The cost of the ready to eat food is often less than the cost of the food ordered from the restaurant

Amul Pizzas are easy to cook

Citizens who are government slavery victims in the indian sector have very less free time, since the CUNNING CHEATER LIAR indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata are running one of the greatest government SLAVERY racket, making the hardworking domain investor do the work of 10-15 people, and then getting 10-15 lazy greedy goan call girls, cheater housewives and other frauds no work, no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector, FAKING ownership of this and other domains , online income
So while the fraud indian tech and internet companies continue to DUPE countries, companies and people worldwide with fake stories of GREEDY goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, indore housewife deepika/veena, gurugram cheater mba hr ruchita kinge, who are mainly COOKING,CLEANING for their crooked husband, fraud family yet get monthly government salaries only for making up FAKE STORIES of computer work, the real domain investor struggles to find suitable food which is hygienic and safe to eat
Amul pizzas are now available in some stores. There are 3 variants which were available locally.
– Premium
– Thin Crust
– Garlic
At present the local retailer is mainly stocking thin crust pizzas
These pizzas are sufficient for two people
They are priced at Rs 125 each, though only a few are kept in stock
The main advantage of the pizzas is that they are easy to cook, they only have to be heated

Santacruz houswife Kajal Shah allegedly slow poisons husband, mother-in-law mixing poison with food

Indicating that relationships are extremely risky in India and it is difficult to even trust family members if the relationships are not,a woman kajal shah along with her lover hitesh jain allegedly poisoned her husband kamalkant shah, a garment businessman in Santa Cruz according to media reports. Instead of killing him suddenly which would make people suspicious, she used slow poisoning to kill her husband.The poisons were allegedly procured from a chemical dealer and mixed in the flavored milk, coconut and other food which she gave her husband. he also allegedly killed her mother-in-law similarly
Initially the doctors at Criticare Hospital could not diagnose the problem, so shah was admitted to Bombay Hospital. Doctors were shocked that his organs were failing, so blood poisoning was suspected. The blood tests indicated that he was being slowly poisoned since the arsenic and thallium levels in his blood were very high. So though the poisoning was detected in September, the hospital could not do anything about it and kamalkant shah die of multiple organ failure on September 19.
However since the doctors suspected poisoning they reported the death to the police who called all the family members to ask them whether they had any suspicion. While the wife was evasive the sister Kavita Lalwani told the police that their relationship was strained and his mother had died a month earlier of similar symptoms. After the death of kamalkant shah, his wife immediately sold the bhiwandi office to collect the money, and was collecting the insurance money from his policies, when the police arrested her.
Times of India has reported the name of the wife as kajal shah, while hindustan times report said that the wife’s name was kavita. This indicates that there is a problem with the quality of media reporting, that reputed newspapers are mentioning different names for the same woman. Similarly there is some difference in the age of the husband, wife.
This shows that it is not advisable to trust a person who shows any signs of hostility, they may kill, like the case of shraddha walkar, aftab poonawala also showed. The police claim that Kajal Shah wanted to grab the property of her husband, so she poisoned him. So it always advisable not to eat food given by someone who is not trusted,

Senior citizens may refuse to eat food prepared by a cook

Senior citizens who are 80 years or older cannot cook themselves since they have problems standing, yet require food regularly to remain in good health. Their children may keep a cook, yet their enemies may bribe the cook to add poison to the food for slow poisoning.
So some paranoid senior citizens refuse to eat the food prepared by a cook. The food which is prepared remains untouched and is wasted.
Then the children are forced to terminate the services of the cook to avoid wasting money in food material and the services charged by a cook for cooking.

Cooks charge families, clients based on the time they spend cooking

In metro cities cooks are usually charging families based on the time they spend cooking
They will charge Rs 4000-5000 for one meal, Rs 6000 for two meals, lunch and dinner
The cook will usually cook one or two vegetables, make 10-15 chapatis or rotis for one meal
All the cooking material has to be supplied by the family hiring them
The cooking work for one meal is usually completed within one hour

This exposes the government SLAVERY in the indian internet sector due to which writers,domain investors spending many hours working daily are making very less money, far less than the cook because of the government policy of rewarding cybercrime,financial fraud in the indian internet sector, falsely claiming that housewives only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husbands, like goan gsb fraud robber riddhi nayak caro, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, indore robber deepika/veena , kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel featured in moneycontrol, haryana mba hr ruchita kinge featured in peoplematters, and other frauds who do not invest money in domains, get monthly salary for faking domain ownership, online income since 2010.

Some cooks are charging Rs 5000 for cooking one meal

In metro cities cooks are usually charging Rs 5000 for one meal
The cook will usually cook one or two vegetables, make 10-15 chapatis or rotis
All the cooking material has to be supplied by the family hiring them
The cooking work is usually completed within one hour
This exposes the government SLAVERY in the indian internet sector due to which writers,domain investors spending many hours working daily are making very less money, far less than the cook because of the government policy of rewarding cybercrime,financial fraud in the indian internet sector, falsely claiming that housewives only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husbands, like goan gsb fraud robber riddhi nayak caro, bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad, indore robber deepika/veena , kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel featured in moneycontrol, haryana mba hr ruchita kinge featured in peoplematters, and other frauds who do not invest money in domains, get monthly salary for faking domain ownership, online income since 2010.

Google, tata fail to explain who cooks the food their favorite panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina premchandani feeds panaji’s crows

One of the best indications that google, tata, ntro, raw,cbi are openly involved in CYBERCRIME, government slavery is that they have got google, tata’s favorite panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, only cooking, cleaning for her scammer husband pran,who does not do any computer work, who does not invest money in domains like her scammer sons karan, rio employee nikhil, a cbi job falsely claiming that the shameless sindhi scammer who does not pay or control any domain is a domain investor
google,tata are aware that the kolhapur born shameless FRAUD LIAR naina, illegally married at 16 to her fraud husband pran, 16 years older has no computer, online, english skills yet being shameless fraud companies, they continue to dupe countries, companies and people with their complete lies about google, tata’s favorite panaji sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina premchandani to get panaji’s sindhi scammer a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor, a single woman engineer
At least 3-4 times in a day, tata’s favorite school dropout naina and her family are feeding the crows plenty of food, which will last other citizens at least 3-4 days, since they have plenty of money and free time to feed the crows, pigeons, sparrows and other birds due to google, tata’s support for their massive online, FINANCIAL FRAUD.
google, tata’s favorite scammer school dropout naina’s husband is going to office every day in the morning, so goa government, google, tata, should explain who is cooking the food which the crows and other birds of panaji are eating daily.
Names changed to avoid legal issues

Surveillance will prove that housewife R&AW/cbi employees are mainly COOKING,cleaning, yet government refuses to end the fraud

Usually in all other democracies, the government does not steal the identity of experienced women engineers from the top engineering college in the country only in india, allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian government is openly involved in the identity theft of the goa 1989 jee topper and is falsely claiming that the wife of a tata power employee guruprasad, sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan, call girl sunaina chodan, robber riddhi nayak caro and other frauds, who did not answer JEE have the resume, savings, skills, and work ethic of the single woman to pay at least 15 frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper.

Indicating the mindset of the indian leaders and officials they refuse to end the EDUCATIONAL FRAUD on the single woman engineer though the engineer is protesting for the last 7-8 years. This mindset is the reason why World economic forum ranks india 140th in gender parity index,after government policy of identity theft, financial fraud on single women engineers from top colleges was confirmed. The domain investor has been under surveillance since 2010,so that 15 google,tata sponsored call girl sunaina,siddhi, cheater,robber raw/cbi employees can get a monthly salary for making fake claims

Yet indicating the lack of honesty and humanity of government agencies they refuse to put the housewife and other raw/cbi employees under surveillance for even one weeek,to monitor what they are doing at home,blindly believe in their lies. For example surveillance will easily prove that nayanshree,riddhi,naina,deepika are all only cooking for their crooked husband especially in the morning, yet ntro,raw,cbi continue to make completely fake claims.

The domain investor is complaining because she does not have time for cooking due to the labor law violations,financial fraud of government agencies,and is often eating stale food or unhealthy food, while everyone else is enjoying at her expense

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