Investing large amounts in premium domains can leave a person penniless over a period of time. These domains have to be renewed and rarely generate revenue unless developed. If a person has renewed for a few years, dropping the domains is a waste of money spent already. Developing domains is very expensive and time consuming, especially if content has to be outsourced.
In India, the atmosphere is very hostile, and domain investors are subjected to false accusations, by people they have never ever met or interacted with. Additionally domain registrars, tata, google will falsely claim that the domains belong to their lazy young cheater girlfriends like nayanshree hathwar, wife of guruprasad hathwar, siddhi mandrekar, to shower them with great powers and privileges, when these young women dont spend a single penny on domain names in India, at the expense of the domain investor.
As a result, the domain investor becomes broke over a period of time, unable to afford even a square meal, earning even less than a laborer. The security agencies will also label the person as a terrorist or naxalite without any proof at all, to steal all orders and leads. Payments from customers will blocked by these greedy dishonest agencies. So investing in domain names in India can leave a person starving to death, because of the greed, dishonesty and lack of vision of those who control the internet in India.
So if person wants to have enough money to buy meals, dont invest in domains in India, at least till those in charge dont change their mindset.