Please note that bangalore based housewife nayanshree hathwar, wife of guruprasad hathwar, has cheated a vulnerable single woman engineer and webmaster of more than Rs 1.1 lakh, but allegedly some extremely powerful officials at the instigation of google, paypal and other internet companies are falsely claiming that the scammer woman owns the websites of the single woman engineer who she and her associates have scammed.
As reward for cheating the experienced webmaster, nayanshree hathwar has allegedly been rewarded with a permanent government job in indian intelligence agencies, allegedly by falsely claiming that she is an experienced engineer with twenty years experience, when she has no engineering qualifications and experience to give her important positions at the expense of the single woman engineer, who gets NOTHING. We have tried to contact her many times regarding the scam, but she and her associates have refused to reply. A complaint has sent to bangalore cybercrime regarding the cheating repeatedly, but they are not taking any action against nayanshree hathwar.
Since nayanshree hathwar and her associates are extremely ruthless,greedy and dishonest, they may falsely claim ownership of this website, without doing any work or spending any money. Hence kindly do not get misled by false claims by her or her associates. Any assistance in helping the single woman retrieve her hard earned money would be greatly appreciated, phone number, bangalore/mumbai address and karnatak bank account details of nayanshree hathwar can be provided.
There are others like medical electronics diploma holder earlier named as siddhi mandrekar, and bsc pass sunaina who are also frauds faking experience, and are allegedly promoted by some of the most powerful men in the indian internet industry, who have engineering degrees from top engineering colleges but NO MORALS as they give fake references to fraud women